monitoring systems


The monitoring system (BKE) contains besides the locking opportunity, the pressure monitoring, acoustic and optical alerts and alarm forwarding to the central control room. According to DIN EN ISO 7396-1 a emergency supply by a gas-specific valve (except VAC) for each kind of available gasses is included. The programmable, digital display shows the operating pressure for each kind of used gasses. A signal occurs if the target pressure is exceeded or fallen below. These warnings can be relayed to a MEDAP-control-panel as well as a potential-free fault message to the building control system.


classification according to directive 93/42/EWGclass IIa

 BKE digital four-fold

9000 1478flush mounted box 4-fold
Øpneumatic block DN 13
Øpneumatic block DN 20
9000 1511sensor -1 bar negative pressure
9000 1510sensor 10 bar overpressure
9000 1512sensor 16 bar overpressure
Ølabel set german
Ølabel set english
9000 1416relay board with accessories
9000 1415transformer board with accessories
9000 1441body and door 4-fold with accessories

BKE digital six-fold

9000 1479flush mounted box 6-fach
Øpneumatic block DN 13
Øpneumatic block DN 20
9000 1511sensor -1 bar negative pressure
9000 1510sensor 10 bar overpressure
9000 1512sensor 16 bar overpressure
Ølabel set german
Ølabel set english
9000 1416relay board with accessories
9000 1415transformer board with accessories
9000 1446body and door 6-fold with accessories


operating instructions (PDF)
installation instructions (PDF)
maintenance manual (PDF)

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